European Defense Talks

Entretiens de la défense européenne / European Defense Talks

Fourth annual meeting, 28 October 2022
The many faces of autonomous strategy in Europe
These talks give doctoral researchers with a shared interest in European defense and security issues an opportunity to confront their views on the progression towards joint defense and security policies, and to discuss the orientation and implementation of the concepts of "autonomous strategy" and "culture of strategy." This scientific seminar is organized jointly by University Paris 1 Panthéon–Sorbonne, the European doctoral school of the Collège Européen de Sécurité et de Défense, and the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale.
Syposium on the Future of Europe: What ambition for European Defense?

4 November 2020
With the support of the European Commission and the participation of Thierry Breton, European Commissionner for the Internal Market