Yann Richard
Professor of geography
Yann Richard is co-founder of the Sorbonne War Studies program. He joined Université Paris 1 Panthéon–Sorbonne as a professor of geography in 2011. He headed the geography department and the geography institute from 2012 to 2019. He was deputy director of the joint research unit Pôle de Recherche pour l'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'Information Géographique (Prodig) from 2014 to 2018. He directed the master's program in Geopolitics for several years prior to 2019. His research focused initially on Belarus, and then on a number of countries bordering on Russia (Baltic countries, Ukraine, Kazakhstan). His main research topic is regionalization of the world and European regional integration, with a preference for geopolitical approaches. He has a special interest in territorial issues within the European Union.
- Teaching and research department (UFR): Geography
- Joint research laboratory (UMR): PRODIG
- Research fields: Human and political geography
- Pedagogical responsibilities: professor of geography
- Keywords: Europe, geopolitics, regional integration
- Recent publications:
- Didelon, C., Richard, Y., 2021, "Where in the world is Ukraine? Confronting Russian and European Representations of Ukraine," Demkratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, vol. 29, n°4, pp. 24 pages.
- Didelon-Loiseau, C., Richard, Y., 2020, "La géographie à la recherche des civilisations de Huntington. Analyse des représentations du monde," Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, nº 74, pp. 5-22.
- Bachelet, A., Richard, Y., 2018, "La construction de la frontière de facto abkhazo-géorgienne, entre enjeux sécuritaires, politiques et identitaires," L’Espace Politique, n°36. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/espacepolitique/5691; DOI: 10.4000/ espacepolitique.5691