SWS symposiums
NATO: Military Alliances, Management, and Utilization of Warfare Means.

June 15th and 16th, 2023
The Sorbonne War Studies program at Panthéon-Sorbonne University is organizing an interdisciplinary conference on the role of military alliances in collective security and defense, with a particular focus on NATO.
As the war in Ukraine has highlighted the importance of the Atlantic alliance, this event will shed light on the vulnerabilities of NATO, particularly in terms of burden-sharing and pressures from dominant states. The conference will also address the security, institutional, and industrial challenges related to NATO, as well as the broader processes of forming international security alliances and their uses.
War and sovereignty—Updating a canonical debate with an interdisciplinary approach

7–8 June 2022
This symposium brought together some 30 speakers from France and abroad for three round-table discussions devoted to the epistemiology of war studies and the cyber and spatial issues now at stake in sovereignty. The goal of the symposium was to cast a new light on canonical debate in the social sciences via an interdisciplinary approach.
Army and nation

15 October 2020
Army and nation: annual joint master's symposium
What is the place of the army in the construction of citizenship and the sense of belonging to the nation? What images are convoked to mobilize the citizenry? How does the army defend the nation when the front breaks down? How is the link between the army and the nation constructed in situations involving several armed forces?
The Security crisis in the Sahel region – what is at stake? Between the lines of territorial fragmentation, terrorism and conflicts between groups and communities

6 June 2018
A symposium jointly organized by Master 2 students in Assessment of armed conflict (ECA) at Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Master 2 students in Geopolitics at University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne/Ecole Normale Supérieur (Rue d'Ulm 1), with support from the Chair of Major Contemporary Strategic Issues and the Sorbonne Institut Guerre et Paix.
► To watch the conference :
- M.a. Pérouse de Montclos - Directeur de recherche à l'IRD et au CEPED
- Louis Gautier - Directeur Chaire des Grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains - Université Paris 1
- Grégory Daho (MCF UP1), Roxane. Foroughmand (M2 Géopolitique), Fantine Monot (M2 Expertise des conflits armés)
- Florence Brisset-Foucault - MCF Université Paris 1 et responsable du parcours Études africaines
- Arnaud de Basquiat - Capitaine de frégate, chargé de mission du département Afrique subsaharienne